
Amethyst Shortcuts - MacOS Tiling Window Management

I was very satisfied about the productivity of i3wm under Linux. Amethyst is the replacement that I found under MacOS. I list the default shortcuts with some organizations for getting used to it.

Mod Key/ Super Key

Default Shortcut Description
mod1 option + shift
mod2 ctrl + option + shift

And defines the following commands, mostly a mapping to xmonad key combinations.

Change Layout

Default Shortcut Description
mod1 + space Cycle layout forward
mod2 + space Cycle layout backwards
mod1 + h Shrink the main pane
mod1 + l Expand the main pane
mod1 + , Increase main pane count
mod1 + . Decrease main pane count

Float Window

Default Shortcut Description
mod1 + t Toggle float for focused window

Change Focus Window

Default Shortcut Description
mod2 + left Throw focused window to space left
mod2 + right Throw focused window to space right
mod2 + 0 - 9 Throw focused window to space 0 - 9
mod2 + w Throw focused window to screen 1
mod2 + e Throw focused window to screen 2
mod2 + r Throw focused window to screen 3
mod2 + q Throw focused window to screen 4
mod1 + w Focus Screen 1
mod1 + e Focus Screen 2
mod1 + r Focus Screen 3
mod1 + q Focus Screen 4
mod1 + j Move focus counter clockwise
mod1 + k Move focus clockwise
mod1 + p Move focus to counter clockwise screen
mod1 + n Move focus to clockwise screen
mod2 + h Swap focused window to counter clockwise screen
mod2 + l Swap focused window to clockwise screen
mod2 + j Swap focused window counter clockwise
mod2 + k Swap focused window clockwise
mod1 + enter Swap focused window with main window


Default Shortcut Description
mod1 + i Display current layout
mod2 + t Toggle global tiling
mod1 + a Select tall layout
mod1 + s Select wide layout
mod1 + d Select fullscreen layout
mod1 + f Select column layout
mod1 + z Force windows to be reevalulated
mod2 + z Relaunch Amethyst
none Select tall-right layout
none Select middle-wide layout
none Select row layout
none Select floating layout
none Select widescreen-tall layout
none Select bsp layout